Website Redesign Mistakes You Should be Aware Of

June 15, 2022

When redesigning your website it is easy to fall back into what you know and not try new and trending designs, but an outdated/badly designed website can really hold your business behind. But redesigning your website shouldn’t be a stressful time, it should be an exciting project that you want to make sure is perfect.

Redesigning your website is a great opportunity to not only make improvements but also improve your team’s relationship with your website. You can improve more than just the design, you can improve your organisation, clutter and create something that is more smoother and reduce stress.

Going in Blind

This might seem obvious, but so many businesses will dive straight into their website design without a plan. Especially with no-code website builders that allow you to just start constructing pages, it is very easy to go in blind.

You need to think about what each page are going to look like, and how they are going to function – especially navigation and buttons.

No Testing

If you’re redesigning an old website, you may think you already know what your visitors want so you may do no testing at all. Testing is an important part of website design, and can help show if you need any changes before sticking with your new design.

Start Designing from your Homepage

This is a common mistake, you may think starting your website design from your home page would be the best place it start. But it is actually more effective if you start from your landing pages. These are the pages that your visitors are looking to find therefore it is important that they can find this information in an effective way.

If a visitor has used Google, and came across your website through a search result, then it is very possible they will land on a product page rather than your home page.

Forgetting about Existing Content

Chances are if you are redesigning an old website, then you have a valuable archive of content that you need to figure what you are going to do with. Even though it takes a lot of time, you should plan your content migration strategically, so you don’t lose content or break any links.

Following Trends too much

When designing your website you don’t want to focus on what’s trending too much, you need to look at what speaks for your brand and what it going to last for years to come. Following a trend can make your brand feel modern, however what happens when that trend disappears?

Get in touch

We don’t expect you to do this all yourself, we have a team who are dedicated to giving you a website that suits you and your brand. If you’re interested in a website redesign, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.

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