Katherine’s Florists

Bouquets and stylish arrangements


Katherine’s Florists are renowned for unrivalled quality, service and value they offer stunning bouquets and stylish arrangements for every occasion. Blueshark were asked to design and develop an eCommerce website that allows them to sell products online and continue to deliver excellent services.


  • Responsive Design
  • Content Management System
  • Bespoke delivery ordering system
  • eCommerce (Woo Commerce)


The clean, modern design with contemporary touches creates a look and feel of a modern business offering high end but affordable products. The volume of products we feed in to the website on a yearly basis will be improved on year on year. The content management system powered by WordPress gives the client complete control over their website so they can add and update their content as well as imagery. They can also use the Woo Commerce system to fully manage the eCommerce daily runnings of the business. The design has been created with an emphasis on creating a strong brand essence with a view to create an instant aspiration to purchase the client’s high quality products.

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